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Consultas de medios

Consultas de medios

CareOregon trabaja con múltiples socios comunitarios para ayudar a las personas a recibir atención médica, vivienda, empleo, educación, alimentos saludables y más. Ayudar a solo una persona o familia puede hacer que una comunidad sea más fuerte. Hay algo que llamamos Efecto CareOregon.

Contáctenos para obtener más información. Recibimos solicitudes de entrevistas con miembros o expertos de CareOregon, de información de antecedentes o para coordinar a un orador invitado para su organización. 


Erich Ericson
Vicepresidente de Marca, Marketing y Comunicaciones

Nuestras temas de especialidad incluyen:

  • Plan de Salud de Oregón (Medicaid)
  • Medicare
  • Hogares médicos
  • Mejora del proceso ajustado en entornos de atención médica
  • Diseño centrado en las personas (también conocido como centrado en el usuario) en la atención médica
  • Iniciativas de defensa de los miembros y consejos de miembros
  • Enfoques innovadores respecto del bienestar de los miembros
  • Políticas de atención médica 

Guía de estilo de la marca

Si quiere compartir información sobre CareOregon, haga clic aquí para consultar nuestra guía de estilo de la marca a fin de obtener las mejores prácticas.

Noticias, comunicados de prensa y actualizaciones

Las ayudas económicas se centran en ofrecer una vivienda estable para las familias

25 de julio de 2016, 07:00 a. m.

25 de julio de 2016



PORTLAND, Ore. — A roof over your head is a key sign of whether you can take care of your health. That’s why CareOregon is awarding $365,000 in grants to six groups that help keep families in their homes and make it easier for them to access health care.

"We made housing a priority in this round of grants," said Martin Taylor, director of Public Policy and Community Relations at CareOregon. "Managing your health is infinitely harder when you're homeless."

CareOregon supports these organizations working to preserve housing for vulnerable people.

Helping Hands, $75,000 to support housing in Clatsop and Tillamook counties. Coastal Oregon has few emergency shelter beds and this organization makes housing a priority.

Clackamas County Social Services, $75,000 to expand the Senior Companions program into Multnomah County. Senior Companions will be able to talk to Korean or Mandarin Chinese speakers in their language and help them get health care. The program targets residents of affordable housing complexes, many of whom are CareOregon members.

Transition Projects, $65,000 to support peer-based outreach to people who are homeless in Portland, to help them get health care.

Catholic Charities, $50,000 for a health and wellness coordinator. The coordinator will work with people in affordable housing developments, all of which house some CareOregon members. Goals include helping people through events, such as job loss or serious health issues, that could cause them to lose their housing.

Living Cully/St. Charles Church, $50,000 to support Northeast Portland community groups to preserve mobile home parks and help residents exercise their tenant rights.

Portland Homeless Families Solutions, $50,000 to support work that helps 125 families remain housed.

"All these programs help our members overcome housing insecurity," said Taylor. "We want to promote best practices in creating stable and supportive living environments for our members."

The grants program received requests totaling nearly $2 million from 30 organizations. CareOregon staff reviewed the applications to identify those that best addressed both health and housing. They wanted to fund work that helps people overcome economic, racial or cultural barriers to obtaining health care.

These organizations are invited to share lessons learned with CareOregon staff members. Together they can identify successful practices and suggest policies to help reduce homelessness and its root causes.

For information about CareOregon Community Benefit Grants Program, contact Shawn DeCarlo, 503-416-3913, or

For information about CareOregon, contact Jeanie Lunsford, 503-416-3626, or

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